The ultimate Phoenix LTX repair guide
The ultimate Phoenix LTX repair guideThe Hasbro Phoenix LTX laser gun was launched in 2008. To this day it remains one of the best affordable laser guns on the market.
However, the laser gun has one drawback: if you play with it often, parts will break. has been renting Phoenix LTX laser guns since 2012. Some of the rifles we bought in 2012 are still used in our rental service (2022).
How do we do this? 1 simple answer:
Fix design flaws and repair!
We would like to share our experience with the world in this ultimate repair guide!
For some of these improvements and repairs we have designed new parts. We try to include the instructions to make or buy these parts yourselves.
It is not currently our intention to repair Phoenix rifles to order or for you to purchase parts for these repairs from us. We are too busy with our own repairs (we have 3000 Phoenix laserguns).
Fixing design flaws / Prevent repairs
Prevention is better than cure! While Shoot The Moon (the developers of Phoenix laser guns) have designed a great laser gun, it’s not perfect. Some adjustments are needed here and there to extend the life of the guns.